Canada’s Tri-Council funding agencies and the Canada Foundation for Innovation have adopted guidance to support the safeguarding and integrity of sensitive Canadian research globally.

Research Involving Private-Sector Partners
If the funding opportunity to which you are applying is subject to the NSGRP, your grant application will need to include a risk assessment form. This form identifies or outlines:
any potential security risks from the partner, including conflicts of interest and affiliations that could compromise the integrity of the research
a plan and relevant measures to mitigate the identified risks
each partner's contribution to the research and the names/roles of involved employees, when applying to a CFI funding opportunity.
Information from the above can be submitted as part of the Risk Assessment Form (all relevant opportunities) and included in any Partner Identification Forms for CFI opportunities.
Guidance on Completing the Form
All Risk Assessment Forms and Partner Identification Forms (if applicable) must be completed and sent to along with your application prior to submitting the grant application.
Risk Assessment Forms
Partner Identification Form

Projects Aiming to Advance Emerging or Advanced Technologies
If the funding opportunity to which you are applying is subject to the STRAC Policy, each researcher must ensure they:
- do not hold active affiliations with, and are not receive funding or in-kind support from, any Named Research Organizations(1)
- end any active affiliations with NROs prior to submitting the relevant grant application.
Certain research activities may create affiliations. If you're unsure, review our page, Understanding Affiliations.
Each researcher with a named role (see below) on the grant must complete an Attestation Form certifying that they are (and will continue to be for the duration of the grant funding) compliant with the STRAC Policy.
For CFI applicants, only project/team leaders and team members in the grant application are required to complete the attestation form.
All Attestation Forms must be completed and combined into a single PDF prior to submitting the grant application.
Attestation Forms
- Tri-Agency: Attestation forms are included on each agency's grant application portal.
- CFI Attestation Form
FAQ: How to combine PDFs combine
- Each researcher should complete their own Attestation Form (see grant documentation for information regarding who needs to complete an attestation)
- Print your completed Attestation Form by selecting 'Microsoft Print to PDF' or 'Save to PDF' under the Printer menu
- Recommended: Save all relevant Attestation Forms for each grant application in a single folder.
- From Adobe Acrobat Pro: On the menu titled 'All Tools', select Combine Files
- Click on 'Add Files' and then navigate within your computer's browser to the folder where you saved your forms.
- Select each relevant Attestation Form to add to the file "hopper".
- Once all files are loaded on the screen, click 'Combine'.
- Save the new file.
Named Roles
Nominated principal applicant, principal applicants, co-applicants, principal knowledge users, and knowledge users.
Named roles do not include Collaborators when applying to CIHR programs.
Typically includes the applicant, co-applicants, collaborators, project directors, co-directors, or other equivalent roles.
Typically includes the applicant, co-applicants, collaborators, project directors, co-directors, or other equivalent roles.
Includes project/team leaders and team members named in the application form.