Requirement from US Funding Agencies Relating to Participation in Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs

July 26, 2024

As of August 9, 2024, UBC researchers wishing to apply for US federal funding will need to comply with new requirements relating to participation in foreign talent recruitment programs.

Applicants to research grants and opportunities administered by US federal funding agencies will now be required to certify that they are not a party to a "malign foreign talent recruitment program" (MFTRP). They will also be required to disclose participation in any foreign talent recruitment programs at the time of application. 

The updated requirement encompasses funding administered by US federal funders, including:

•    National Institutes of Health (NIH),
•    Department of Defense (DoD), and 
•    Department of Energy (DoE)

This update extends the requirement already in place for opportunities from the National Science Foundation (NSF) since May 2024.

Malign foreign talent recruitment programs recruit researchers working in priority fields and can request that researchers participate in certain activities that may put themselves or their work at risk. 

A complete definition and list of characteristics of an MFTRP is available on pages 5 and 6 of the Office of Science and Technology Policy’s Memorandum to the Heads of Federal Agencies from February 2024.

See the UBC Research Security team’s resource on Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs for further information, or contact the UBC Research Security team to request a one-on-one consultation.

More: Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs

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