With the expansion of the National Security Guidelines on Research Partnerships to include several federal grants this fall, researchers will be required to include validated risk assessment forms (RAFs) as part of their final application package.
To facilitate timely submission of the validated forms in the application package, please submit the following documents to the research security team as soon as possible but no later than five (5) business days in advance of the sponsor deadline:
- Completed risk assessment form(s)
- UBC Research Project Information Form (RPIF)
- Research proposal
The research security team will validate the completeness of the forms in order for the Office of Research Services to supply the institutional signature.
Please note the following upcoming internal application deadlines and corresponding RAF deadlines for several major Canadian research funding grants:
CIHR Project Grant
ORS internal application deadline, Research Security RAF validation deadline: Sept. 5, 8:30am
CFI John R. Evans Leaders Fund (October intake)
Please see the IPO website for internal application deadlines.
Research Security RAF validation deadline: Oct. 9, noon
NSERC Alliance Grants
Please submit your RAF as soon as possible, or no later than 5 business days before you intend to submit your full application.